Quotations Weblog

Pretties by Scott Westerfeld

April 12th, 2006 by Laura Moncur in Literature

PrettiesI love to read Scott Westerfeld’s books because he is so quotable. I just finished reading, Pretties, which is the sequel to Uglies. The heroine, Tally Youngblood, has been returned to the city and has been turned pretty. The operations have made her taller and more beautiful, but they have also clouded her mind and erased some of her memories. She and her best friend, Shay, are living the indolent and pleasure-filled life of the pretties where deciding which dress to wear at the party is the most important decision she will encounter. That is until her past comes visiting.

Croy, a renegade that Tally knew from her time with the Smokies, shows up at a party and provides her with a “cure” that could fix the lesions in her brain or kill her. Will she take the pills? If she does, will they kill her or will Special Circumstances get to her first?

SpecialsIt’s a brilliant sequel to Uglies and it leads to the third book in the trilogy, Specials. I took a long time to read this book, leaving it in the bookcase for months before picking it up to read it. I almost wish I had waited until Specials was available because now I have to sit in anticipation for the true ending of the story.

For all the quotations from Scott Westerfeld:

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