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Results of search for Author: Susan Sontag - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6 total quotations found.

Results from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations:

The camera makes everyone a tourist in other people's reality, and eventually in one's own.
Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004), New York Review of Books 18 Apr. 1974
What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine.
Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004), Against Interpretation, 1966

Results from Classic Quotes:

Theories that diseases are caused by mental states and can be cured by will power, are always an index of how much is not understood about the physical terrain of a disease.
Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004), Illness as Metaphor, 1978

Results from Internet Collections: Quotations by Women:

Sanity is a cozy lie.
Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004)

Results from Contributed Quotations:

The only interesting answers are those which destroy the questions.
Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004)
I was not looking for my dreams to interpret my life, but rather for my life to interpret my dreams.
Susan Sontag (1933 - 2004)
Results of search for Author: Susan Sontag - Page 1 of 1
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6 total quotations found.

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