Motivational Quotes of the Day
Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - October 18, 2024 - I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction.
- Ayn Rand (1905 - 1982), Anthem, 1946
- It’s like your batteries get low, and you need to charge them on someone else’s story.
- Margaret Cho, Margaret Cho's weblog, 04-11-2006
- The bars of West Hollywood and New York are awash with people throwing their lives away in the desperate hope of finding a shortcut, any shortcut. And a lot of them aren't even young anymore; their B-plans having been washed away by Vodka & Tonics years ago.
Meanwhile their competition is at home, working their asses off. - Hugh Macleod, How To Be Creative: 14. Dying young is overrated., 08-22-04
- There's some things that people don't admit because they don't like the way it sounds.
- Cindy Chupack, Sex and the City, Plus One Is The Loneliest Number, 2002
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