Motivational Quotes of the Day

Selected from Laura Moncur's Motivational Quotations - May 17, 2019
It is a fine thing to establish one's own religion in one's heart, not to be dependent on tradition and second-hand ideals. Life will seem to you, later, not a lesser, but a greater thing.
D. H. Lawrence (1885 - 1930)  
We thought, because we had power, we had wisdom.
Stephen Vincent Benet (1898 - 1943), Litany for Dictatorships, 1935  
I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year.... It's very character-building.
Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011), Apple Confidential 2.0  
One of the common causes of serious difficulty takes the form of parental self-discovery. The newly adopted child brings out submerged feelings or behavior in his parents that make them dislike themselves. This can be such a severe blow to their self- esteem that they must eradicate the cause of their distress. Sometimes the only way that parents are able to do that is by returning the child.
Claudia Jewett Jarrett, Adopting the Older Child, 1978  

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