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Showing items 41 to 50 of 52 total books.

The Portable Voltaire
by Voltaire, Ben Ray Redman

An affordable compilation of Voltaire's writings, translated into English. Includes "Candide", "Zadig", selections from the Philosophical Dictionary, essays, letters, and more.

The Portable Nietzsche
by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Walter Kaufmann (translator)

A good affordable introduction to Nietzsche. Includes "Thus Spoke Zarathustra", "Twilight of the Idols", "The Antichrist", and various letters, excerpts from other works, and aphorisms.

The Groucho Letters: Letters from and to Groucho Marx
by Groucho Marx

A compilation of Groucho Marx's correspondence on many topics. There are some great bits of humor here, such as his argument with Warner Brothers, and some glimpses of the man behind the jokes.

The Greatest Speeches of President John F. Kennedy
by John F. Kennedy

A compilation of Kennedy's best known speeches. If "Ask not what your country can do for you..." is the only one you know, you owe it to yourself to read more.

Abraham Lincoln : Speeches and Writings 1832-1858
by Abraham Lincoln, Don E. Fehrenbacher (Editor)

A compilation of Lincoln's speeches and writings from the less famous years of his life.

The Thurber Carnival
by James Thurber, Michael J. Rosen (Commentary)

A compilation of James Thurber's writings and cartoons. Includes two of my favorite stories, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and "The Catbird Seat".

From Noon to Starry Night : A Life of Walt Whitman
by Philip Callow

A biography of the great civil-war era poet, Walt Whitman. Look for a few quotations in our collections. Well worth reading.

Never Give in: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill
by Stephen Mansfield, George E. Grant (Editor)

A biography of Winston Churchill, one of the 20th century's greatest leaders and possibly the most quoted and misquoted politician in history.

Life 101
by Peter McWilliams

"Everything We Wish We Had Learned About Life in School -- But Didn't" A wonderfully positive book with lots of quotations. This book will not only tell you how to harness negative emotions like fear and worry, but tell you a myriad of other ways to be happy.

Dave Barry Turns 40
by Dave Barry

Dave does some thinking out loud about the aging process, aiming his thoughts at his "career-pursuing, insurance-buying, fitness-observing, Lamaze-class-taking, breast-feeding, data-processing, mortgage-paying, Parents'-Night-attending, business-card-exchanging, compact-disc-owning, tooth-flossing" contemporaries. Funny and true-to-life, especially if you were born before 1957.

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