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Results of search for Author: Euripides - Page 3 of 6
Showing results 21 to 30 of 54 total quotations found.
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Results from Classic Quotes:

There is one thing alone
that stands the brunt of life throughout its course:
a quiet conscience.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Hippolytus, 428 B.C.
In this world second thoughts, it seems, are best.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Hippolytus, 428 B.C.
My tongue swore, but my mind was still unpledged.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Hippolytus, 428 B.C.
In case of dissension, never dare to judge till you've heard the other side.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Heraclidae, circa 428 B.C.
Leave no stone unturned.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Heraclidae, circa 428 B.C.
I care for riches, to make gifts
To friends, or lead a sick man back to health
With ease and plenty. Else small aid is wealth
For daily gladness; once a man be done
With hunger, rich and poor are all as one.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Electra, 413 B.C.
A coward turns away, but a brave man's choice is danger.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Iphigenia in Tauris, circa 412 B.C.
The day is for honest men, the night for thieves.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Iphigenia in Tauris, circa 412 B.C.
Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), The Bacchae, circa 407 B.C.
Slow but sure moves the might of the gods.
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), The Bacchae, circa 407 B.C.
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Results of search for Author: Euripides - Page 3 of 6
Showing results 21 to 30 of 54 total quotations found.

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